Thursday, 11 April 2013


Life is a beautiful gift of god to all of us which is indeed a collection of thousands of experiences some of them are great and others are bad. Being human we all expect only the goodies to be the part of life, but this never happen and in some way or the other we have to face tough and adverse situations in our life. Most of these problems which we encounter are due certain mistakes which we do commit intentionally or unintentionally which certainly prolongs the happening of a particular problem but on the other hand the problem gets enough time to plan and attack us in a more severe way.
Now nobody wants to have troubles, so what is the best way to avoid these problems. Can we avoid problems by avoiding mistakes? This could be a solution which theoretically seems feasible but as far as practical implementation is considered avoiding mistakes is next to impossible. So what is the next best possible option to minimize the agony and pain of problems.
A strange opinion of mine suggests making mistakes as the best solution for avoiding problems. Yes it seems strange but this is the most commonly way used by most of the successful people around the globe.
This methodology suggests that as we cannot get rid of committing mistakes, so a better option is to keep on making mistakes and pen down each and every mistake you made in your life which further exposed you to problems. This method will certainly not produce any immediate effects but in a long run will help you to know what mistakes you make and hence it will expose your weakness in front of you. Once you are clear about what exactly was your weakness behind every mistake of yours you can device out a strategy to overcome your weakness and then slowly and gradually overcome and replace those weaknesses with your strengths.
Over the period of time you will surely start feeling your mistakes your weakness, shortcomings and all sort of negative energies being replaced by a very strong positive energy which will put you in to the higher levels of confidence.
Practically your approach towards problems will start changing from”WHY ME to TRY ME”.
So my concept behind the whole thing Is that if we cannot tame our Mistakes, cannot teach them then it is better to acknowledge Mistakes as our teacher, let them teach us a lesson of life at every encounter we have with them.
Remember God is the best programmer and he has created each and every thing logically, so next time you commit a mistake, do not feel frustrated just thank god for giving you an opportunity to learn.

Monday, 8 April 2013

“Collide or Collaborate”

“Collide or Collaborate”
Last week I was attending a live music concert and I just realized that there were about 200 different instruments which included types of drums, guitars, flute, piano, bongo and a lot more. All the instruments forming the orchestra had many singers who were singing in chorus. I was enjoying the concert when suddenly I realized a deep insight into this musical mist.
I realized that even though hundreds of instruments were playing together and each of them had its own distinct sound but still I was astound to see that how come when all the instruments are different are still producing such a great melody.
This was the moment which made me realize the importance of team work. The music being played in the concert was an outcome of a collaborative effort of the musicians. Each of the musicians had a predefined role to play and the execution was a perfect one made in such a way that every musician was emphasizing on achieving sync with the partners. Every musician was playing his part and was giving a room for the next musician to add a different flavor and taste to the show. So in all it was an effort where every member of the team was giving best individual effort to produce the best team performance and this was the point I realized one more key to success.
If we compare this musical concert with our lives, we will come to know that even our life is same as the concert where we have many people who are associated with us and all of us are playing some or the other kind of music. Success comes to those who play this music as it is played in an orchestra, whereas success runs away from those who just play their own drums and forget the importance of their team.
This does not mean that individual efforts are of less importance, individual efforts are definitely required to achieve team success but here the point is that if we are confident about ourselves we should not forget the importance of others and should respect and appreciate the efforts and qualities of others too. It is a justified fact that if we work in a group with cohesiveness towards the attainment of common objectives.
So be it the music of a concert or the musical journey of life enjoyment and harmony only comes when we all collaborate to achieve a common goal altogether.
                                                     Rightly “Said-Unity is Strength”

Sunday, 7 April 2013

“Human Beings to Being Humans”

“Human Beings to Being Humans”
Out of thousands of lakhs of species available on earth, the biggest blessings come on Human beings. Logically the most intelligent species on earth. Power to think, act, do, speak, understand and take intelligent decisions makes us the most sophisticated and crucial thing on earth but on the other hand power to destroy and hurt also makes us the cruelest category available on earth.
Mother Nature has provided us with lot many blessings for our healthy survival .Plants, animals, Sea, rivers, Mountains all of these resources do provide us with everything we need without even asking for even a single penny against it.
But on the other hand what bothers me the most is the selfish self centric approach of some of us among us. Even though we are blessed with every need of ours but still our greed and lust for fulfilling our desires makes us the most ill reputed category on earth.
We people kill animals and cut trees just to make our living more comfortable. I know that this view point of mine may seem absurd or useless to most of you, but still I had a strong feel to discuss this thing on this platform.
Is the theory of Survival of fittest such a much vital that it cannot be done without or is it so that we have a feeling of being superior and this feeling gets us going without taking into consideration the value of life of plants or animals.
The selfishness crosses its limit when people even do not worry over killing other human again for some personal benefits, Has the god given us the right to decide the life of others, why is it so that even after having the most developed brains we are not able to use them for some constructive purpose. Even if the brain fails to decide the difference between good and bad, we still have a heart, how can it allow one to opt the path of destruction.
During the past few years we have come across many such incidents when so called terrorists have killed thousands without any reason and when these people are caught they feel proud and happy to do such kind of inhuman activities and relate it as a tribute towards their religion or god.
Now I am totally clueless, how can killing be related to god and religion?
Through this post I do want to put this question that how and why a human can become so merciless and how does his inner conscience allow him to do such kind of cruelty to mankind.
When will the time come, when there would be peace and harmony among all, when we will realize the difference between Human Beings and Being Human..

Thursday, 4 April 2013

CAN Model-Marketing tool to become a Market king

Marketing is considered to be an activity which involves the process of Segmenting, targeting and finally positioning the offering into the minds of a customer. So in other words we can also define marketing as the psychological tool to study the mind of people and to device out a strategy to enter or place the offering deep inside the minds of the potential customers, so that they find a strong instinct within themselves to buy the offering, now this instinct is to be generated and prompted regularly I order to motivate the sub conscious mind to go for the buying decision. Tools like advertising, promotion are used to motivate this instinct.
So with the above explanation it is clear that marketing is a regular ongoing result which works scientifically on certain principles, which if executed properly will give projected results only if the competitors doesn’t apply it better than you.CAN model is of great use if your offering is of a kind which is not very common and it needs really very hard to position it into the minds of the prospects.
Each and every potential client has a great receptivity to all the products, but there is a security code in his mind which is to be broken by marketers’ efforts. So this clearly indicates that every human is a prospect with a code protection, so breaking the code and expanding the sales are interlinked exponentially.
A salesperson will have to use hundreds of combination of words and offers to break this code every time, but once you open this code successfully, it will take only few combinations of words from the converted prospect to extract the business from other people.
So by selecting a nominator a sales person can derive a lot many prospects from an existing client and this can be achieved only by building a positive rapport with the client.
Once business has been gained by the advisory technique from the client, the next way to extract extra business could be to finally convert the advisor to a nominator to whom you would be rewarding in monetary or non monetary terms for every lead they provide you and finally it gets converted into sales.
So this strategical follow of the sequence of CUSTOMER to ADVISOR to NOMINATOR helps you streamline your marketing activities and since this model is a tested and trusted one, so will definitely help you to achieve your selling targets.
                                                                    ALL THE BEST

Wednesday, 3 April 2013

“Strengthening your Strengths”

                                                         “Strengthening your Strengths”

Life is a battle in which each one of us has to fight daily and regularly. All of us for definite reasons want to win on every front. So if winning is your habit, you need to device out some strategies to overcome the challenges successfully. The best method to achieve success is to carry out a SWOT (strength, weakness, opportunity and threat) analysis of ourselves. This theory of strengthening your strengths works on the principle of separating your strengths from your total personality traits and then focusing on enhancing your strengths to make you capable enough for overcoming any kind of problem easily.
So let us start with the process step by step-
Note: All these steps to be written on a piece of paper and then follow it-
Step-1-List out all your personality traits either positive or negative.
Step-2-Now classify these traits into two parts, your strengths and you weakness
Step-3-Now accordingly make a list of all the opportunities and threats that impose on your personal and professional lives.
Step-4-Among the above made two lists filter out the weaknesses and the threats.
Step-5-Now you are left out with your best and that is your strengths.
Step-6-This Residual extract is termed as your USP-Unique Selling Preposition.
Step-7-Now your sincere efforts should be to impose those strengths in every sphere of life, whatever you do.
Step-8-Now the benefit you will gain is that you know that you are the best with those strengths and can do the work assigned to you using those strengths in the most effective and efficient way.
Step-9-Now as you move ahead with the implementation of key strengths of yours, you will gradually start feeling more comfortable and confident in whatever you do.
Step-10-Your Strengths will strengthen a couple of folds as you move ahead with this implementation process.
Remember this process works on a simple formula that if you move ahead with your strengths, you will be always approaching the situations with the best foot forward and this inculcates a sense and a feel of confidence in you which further ignites and motivates the positivity to accomplish a particular task with optimum levels of efficiency and effectiveness.
This is a cyclic process which strengthens your strengths but this could be achieved only if you keep into consideration the fact that this process needs to be implemented in loops and with sincere commitment and consistency.
In this discussion we had the prime focus only on the strength part of an individual, the next phase is to correlate your strengths with the opportunities which you see ahead in your life. Once your strengths and opportunities get in sync with each other success is yours.
                                             “Just give it a try, you have nothing to Lose”