Monday, 8 April 2013

“Collide or Collaborate”

“Collide or Collaborate”
Last week I was attending a live music concert and I just realized that there were about 200 different instruments which included types of drums, guitars, flute, piano, bongo and a lot more. All the instruments forming the orchestra had many singers who were singing in chorus. I was enjoying the concert when suddenly I realized a deep insight into this musical mist.
I realized that even though hundreds of instruments were playing together and each of them had its own distinct sound but still I was astound to see that how come when all the instruments are different are still producing such a great melody.
This was the moment which made me realize the importance of team work. The music being played in the concert was an outcome of a collaborative effort of the musicians. Each of the musicians had a predefined role to play and the execution was a perfect one made in such a way that every musician was emphasizing on achieving sync with the partners. Every musician was playing his part and was giving a room for the next musician to add a different flavor and taste to the show. So in all it was an effort where every member of the team was giving best individual effort to produce the best team performance and this was the point I realized one more key to success.
If we compare this musical concert with our lives, we will come to know that even our life is same as the concert where we have many people who are associated with us and all of us are playing some or the other kind of music. Success comes to those who play this music as it is played in an orchestra, whereas success runs away from those who just play their own drums and forget the importance of their team.
This does not mean that individual efforts are of less importance, individual efforts are definitely required to achieve team success but here the point is that if we are confident about ourselves we should not forget the importance of others and should respect and appreciate the efforts and qualities of others too. It is a justified fact that if we work in a group with cohesiveness towards the attainment of common objectives.
So be it the music of a concert or the musical journey of life enjoyment and harmony only comes when we all collaborate to achieve a common goal altogether.
                                                     Rightly “Said-Unity is Strength”


  1. Very insightful post Saurabh, you've hit the mark with your discovery of teamwork in music. You can differentiate the amateurs and the professionals just by listening to the sound of their music when played in a group.

    Individual effort is important but what's even more important is how you blend with the others. It's funny how much music relates to your everyday life.

  2. +ardiv jauhari
    Thank you so much......
    You said it right Sir
