Thursday, 2 May 2013


Life is a challenge and all of us are facing some or the other problems day and every day. These problems do form an integral part of our life and thus the fact is acceptable that no one on this earth can ever get rid of problems.
Taking this into consideration god gifted us brains, which indeed is the most powerful weapon in this world. The brain has the ability to solve any kind of issue technically and practically. Brain follows certain logical steps while coming onto any of the decisions, It first of all lists on the number of possible solutions which can be listed down for a particular problem, the next step is to shortlist the best options available and finally execute the best of the rest options.
But there are situations in which brain as the most intelligent weapon fails to come to a conclusion. Here the biggest strength of brain which is to make logical decisions creates a problem. We all are facing the problems which are mostly related to one or the other emotional relation of an individual with others.
Mind does not take these emotions into consideration so here comes into action the most beautiful gift of god which is our heart.
Heart has the power to take decisions which exactly do not require logical thinking but yes the problems which require understanding the complex nature of human beings.
Heart can do wonders as far as emotional decisions are concerned and it gets this ability from the fact that heart never goes for the selfish decisions and neither it performs the task of calculating the profits earned and the losses made due to a particular decision.
The sense of satisfaction and happiness felt by any of the decisions taken by heart is far much more than any of the decisions we take only on behalf of our brain.
So next time you feel that your brain becomes unresponsive in a situation when it is not in a state to make a decision, trust your heart.
Heart does not have the mechanism to take a good decision but indeed it has the power to take the right decision

Sunday, 21 April 2013

“Freaky Frustrations”

"Beautiful Nature"
                      “Freaky Frustrations”

A great psychological phenomenon which indeed is the most unwanted bug infecting our life.
Frustration in normal is a common response system of an individual towards a situation in which he faces obstacles, disappointments, failures.So an emotional outburst of feelings which intend to disclose the status of a person’s state of mind due to non achievement of a particular objective in a specified way as it was desired.
We all are facing the friction of frustrations day and every day during our routine activities too. It is a state of mind in which most of us do loose the power to take sensible decisions and face a power which tries to erode our confidence and determination towards attainment of our objectives. Higher the goal more would be the problems and greater the problems will result into bigger frustrations.
In our daily life we do accomplish hundreds of tasks, before starting any task our brain technically prepares a plan to be executed for the attainment of specified goals. But at times there are certain internal and external factors which act as a blockade towards this process. If our levels of energy which the brain had allotted for the completion of the task are not able to break this blockade, we feel helpless and the brain surrenders to the problem by releasing the available allotted energy in the form of stressful verbal, mental and physical actions which further create a continuous flow of negative energies in and out of the body.
So frustration is like friction which is necessary in some cases but creates a lot many problems if the level exceeds a particular level.
The higher is the desire to achieve something higher would be the level of frustration if that objective is not accomplished. Frustration is a feeling which exhibits flavors of anger, tension, stress and resentment at the same time. These feelings do create a negative field in and around us and thus stops all the positive things and thoughts to approach us.
Frustration is a freaky mechanism of the mind when it feels a particular situation out of its control, when the mind admits its incompetency to tackle a particular situation it gives out a S.O.S signal in the form of frustration.
At this moment of time normally it becomes very difficult for a person to overcome the problem on its own and even self motivation is not capable of accomplishing the given task. A bit of external motivation can definitely trigger and boost the confidence of an individual and once this static friction is overcome the dynamic forces of positivity do take the charge and gives us energy to overcome the problem and once it is done frustrations are gone.

Tuesday, 16 April 2013

“Puzzled Perceptions”

"Natural man made View"

"Beautiful Sky"

“Puzzled Perceptions
Perception may be defined as the set of Thoughts assumed to be right by an individual. So perception for an individual is a set of processed information which has been received by us through the various sensory organs.
Our perceptions are strongly based on some set of beliefs which we strongly feel are true.
Our entire decision making, thinking patterns and reaction to various situations depends on our perceptions only. So it would not be wrong to say that our perceptions lay down the foundation for our success.
In most of the problems which we encounter, the outcome is pre decided. If our perceived thoughts are on the positive side, we start solving a given problem with a mindset that, it is not a big deal and I will certainly overcome this problem, on the other hand there are people who say ,this is really going to tough, I am not sure whether I can do it or not.
So in both the above cases there is a slight difference and that is all about our perceived thoughts.
As perception is not a truth but an assumption made on the basis of imaginary outcome of a particular action, so if we say may be I cannot do a particular task then the chances of not succeeding in that task are more, whereas if I say I can do it, in that case half of the problem is solved even before you practically start working.
This thought may seem absurd but it works on some firm principles.
Once we declare that a task is difficult to achieve, indirectly we are making it clear to us and others that I will not be able to succeed because it is tough, so I cannot be blamed for it. So we free ourselves from the expectations of overcoming the problem and certainly if such a pattern of thoughts is created in our mind, our actions would be directed towards the non attainment of the objective so that we could justify our perception, which was that the task is difficult to achieve.
Following similar pattern the fear of failing pulls us back from framing a particular problem as easy, We try to take a safer route of declaring the things impossible to achieve so that we have an excuse to be laid to others and even to ourselves.
Continuously following such an approach makes us addicted and we take every challenge with negativity in mind of not achieving it, hence our perceptions become rock solid.
But this formulation can never take us closer to success, until and unless we do not try to balance our equation of perceptions with the truth.
This puzzle of perceptions is so tricky that it can trap even the wisest person too. The only way out is to accept the truth and modify the perceived thoughts as per the lessons which we learn from our mistakes.
False perceptions should be dumped before they solidify to beliefs, and should be replaced by perceptions which motivate you to overcome problems.
“Success does not look for justifications, but perceptions do”

Sunday, 14 April 2013

"Lonely Roads"

"Beautiful Sunset"

"Dusk To Dawn"

"Sunny Ride"

"Lonely Roads"
Life in itself is one of the greatest gifts of god to us. It is a journey with an uncertain destination. Each one of us is on the way of achievement of this destination. We have a lot of expectations and lot many things to be achieved during this small period which we have.Uncertainty in life do creates a sense of insecurity among most of us and this insecurity creates a sense of urgency among all of us, so I do literally feel everybody around me chasing some unspecified objectives. Even I am one among them who is always running and frankly speaking most of us are running because we see that everybody is doing so.
So life seems to be similar like a racing track where everybody is in a hurry and even I am. But there are times when I just stop and wait for people whom I consider are mine. This wait really seems fruitless because the interconnection of humans today is only limited to materialistic relations.
If we start counting this list of people whom we consider as ours, we will find that there is a never-ending list of our well wishers (includes a couple of thousands from Facebook, Google plus and other social media in existence) we will be proud to see so many people around us, but the things get different in the real world.
With due regards to all my friends and well wishers, I sincerely do feel that life is a race, it seems we all are travelling together but practically it is a race going on in which you as a driver of your life are exclusively responsible for all your actions and your condition.
Every human associated with us other than our parents do have some or the other selfish motive to be attained and once this flow of supports ends from your side, so will the feeling and emotions of the other person will also.
I am not a frustrated person, but I am writing this thing taking into consideration experiences of mine as well as that of every one of us. This is just a feeling everyone has. A feeling of Feeling lonely from deep inside. Now it is up to us whether we accept it as a fact or as a perception of an individual.
Sometimes life seems to be a business, where theory of give and take is taken into consideration.
The attainment of Motives is so much important as an individual that the sense of belonging also seems to be a materialistic impractical feeling to be achieved.
The feelings which my words are exhibiting could not be felt until and unless we are a part of this rat race, this feel can only be felt if we stop for a while and carefully observe people around us.
“Running for life has made me run out of Life”